Liverpool: Beatles Who-mania!

Adding a photo first so that the weird crop top puff coat doesn't become the preview image for this blog post >_<

Our first full night at the last hotel we'll be staying at for the rest of our time here (until Friday), Innside Manchester by Melia is an interesting place. Cheap prices to stay at but with a hoity toity air and some expensive foods at their restaurant and a laundry service that costs $6 per shirt. Yet the corners are dusty and the floors starting to look a little run down and the mattresses are not comfy (I know there's springs near the top because one is poking out the side of my bed). But then we get to enjoy the best shower yet and soaps that actually smell good and a great view of the city. I'm still trying to figure out if I like this place or not....

This bowl of cereal at breakfast perfectly describes the conundrum that is Innside. Such a pretentious scoop and bowl for coco pops!

Speaking of class, let's talk about today's weird UK trend: crop tops! On all body sizes! But it's so chilly out! It's fall! Oh ho ho! The designers have thought of this and have created crop top sweaters and puff coats!

Trust me, that is a crop top puff coat on the right. I am so far removed from fashion, and I think I'm okay with that.

Today's plan was to go to Liverpool. There were a few things there relevant to our interests. Okay, mostly my interests, but some of it Jeff's too! Only about an hour train ride away from Manchester, it was really easy to get to Liverpool. A much larger city and there on a harbor, it's a pretty cool place. And you know who was born and got their start there?

Echo and the Bunnymen!

Which is true! Just not the reason I got us tickets to a tour bus. The big colorful one at the beginning of this post. The Magical Mystery Tour took us all around Liverpool to the places where the Beatles were born, grew up, lived, worked, formed a band or two, wrote music, performed, and eventually got worldwide famous! It was a great tour with a funny and enthusiastic guide. Nothing too in depth as our stops were quick when we did stop to get out and take pictures. Otherwise it was a slow drive by as he told the place's significance in the Fab Four's history. Here's some of our favorite pics:

Ringo is my favorite and I will not have any of your sass about his skills as a drummer! [Jeff Edit: He's the third best drummer in The Beatles.]

It's in my ears...

AND my eyes!! 

Nothing to get hung about.

Alas, Paul was not home on a visit.

And I must mention that while the Beatles are obviously the most well-known band to come out of Liverpool, there really is a lot of great bands and musicians that came out of this city!

And also many great TV actors and creators like....

The Liverpool World Museum had an exhibit of The Science of Doctor Who which was absolutely fantastic! Definitely the highlight of my day! It had so many props and costumes from the show as well as great facts about space and physics and how-- when they aren't just making up silly, weird, wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey pseudo-science--they do their best to integrate current science knowledge into creating planets or aliens for the show.

So many sonic screwdrivers!

The mask on the right is from my favorite episode: The Girl in the Fireplace

"Hey, who turned out the lights?" This episode TERRIFIED me!

Ah yes, Moffat's greatest creation, the Weeping Angels, in the fantastic episode "Blink" and then overused in a few more episodes as Moffat made sure to wring every drop of popularity out of this brain-child of his.

The Silence, the Gentlemen, Slenderman... weird ass, blank-faced, tall creeps in suits are featured in many shows! [Jeff Edit: They won an Emmy for their turn in Buffy The Vampire Slayer.]

Current Cyberman

Cybermen of the past

The hottest character of Doctor Who


Moisturize US!

These two tours along with a lot of walking and lunch and dinner and souvenir shopping, by the time we were finished it was 8:00 and we were WIPED! In fact, it's going on midnight here!

Speaking of lunch, here's our lunch which was described as having "salad greens as garnish and a side of tortilla chips". LOLOLOL, it was literally the 6 Doritos you see there! Good panini though.

Let's see if Jeff is still awake and willing to share some of his wisdom with us.

Remember to always check your inventory before leaving a restaurant, otherwise you'll need to speed-walk from the other side of a pier-based-entertainment-and-leisure-complex. 

I am exceptionally tired today, what with all the running about. I did acquire the final souvenir that I needed. If you're reading this and think that you deserve a souvenir, message me and we'll see. 

This city has big buildings, I like food, bye.


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